Tuesday, September 16, 2008

SMU POS 2008

what's pop up in your mind when you hear this??

OF course, it's Parade of Schools (POS) cheerleading.. HAHAHA =O
It's Sunway Monash University cluster!!! wohooooww.. PLOK! PLOK! 
(sounds kinda like promote.. =p)
Basically, it's start from the church itself, City Harvest Church in Malaysia..
They make this type of competitions for GOD!..

Lots of practices, lots of challenges during rehearsal and another stuffs..
It requires hard teamwork though..

Our first rehearsal was like.. ugh.. Gross..
Second rehearsal was worse.. 

Daniel, a professional dancer from Singapore was very mad at that time. The reason: everything was messy, seems like crowd of people want to buy chickens in a market.. Can you imagine how bad it is? HAHa... =p
He corrected everything from the beginning, OMG, he's such a good teacher and he's 
also good in locking (hip-hop style).. u should check it out man...

Luckily, we practiced harder and for the last rehearsal, we did it!! YEAYYY!!
Everything was fine.. I'm really glad.. Thank's for Cheryl, Andreas, Hana and Emelia.. 
They have talents as Captain of the team and organizes everything as well !~~

Check it out =>> Photos of Our Performances in Sunway Convention Centre, Malaysia.. :

Anyway, I can't believe I'm a cheerleader.. =)
Before, I only watched some movies like Bring It On.. 
Thx God for this, without Him, I'm nothing~

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